There’s something about a comedy show which is so close to the bone it makes you writhe in your seat.

It pushes the ok gags to good ones, good gags to great ones, funny gags to hilarious ones and the hilarious ones make you cry.

The issues and topics stand-up comedians cover are becoming more and more limitless.

Disabilities, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race – all covered by the cut-throat funnymen and women across the world.

It can seem sinister, but not with Josh Robertson, who was paralysed after a motorbike crash on Christmas Eve when he was 13.

His act was essentially spent making fun of himself for an hour.

Awkward at first, but once you realised it was ok to laugh, the show became tear-producingly funny.

If near-the-knuckle material is coming in, audience participation is going the other way, but the self-acclaimed Nutter with a Stutter delivered one of the funniest one-liners you’ll ever hear at a gig as he put down a hairdresser.

The intimate setting of the Nowhere Man meant there was no escape for you as an audience or for him as an act – and he nailed it.

As he said on stage, “I’m disabled, I do what I want.”

And he did.

Four stars