There are many ways to endear oneself to an audience, but Tom Allen went for the direct route: handing out chocolate Hobnobs at the entrance.

At least he was honest about it: “I’m doing it so you like me,” he said.

Not that he needed to buy affection. Allen proved a hugely likeable, charming comedian, with a honey-rich voice and a neat line in both bleak self-deprecation and lofty condescension.

He both used and punctured gay stereotypes – his show was, he said, about “being gay, gardening and the crushing feeling I might be wasting my life” – with panache.

Both Worlds explored familiar territory for a stand-up: going to the gym, social media and dating were among the subjects.

Allen’s delivery was consistently exquisite – his detailing of a schoolfriend’s mawkish delivery of the news of Nelson Mandela’s death being a particular highlight.

Allen was hilarious when interacting with the audience, even when at one point he wearily admitted “this isn’t going very well”.

He even got laughs via the simple act of leaning on (and deciding not to lean on) a table.

Having greeted his audience on the way in, Allen took the time to say goodbye as they left; a mischievous vicar bidding farewell to his converted, happy flock.

Four stars