In 1996, the hip hop scene in the UK was but a glint in the milkman’s eye compared with the industry worth the multi-billions that it is today.

However, if you were a proponent of the burgeoning second-wave skate scene at the time, you were very likely to be playing The Pharcyde’s Labcabincalifornia on a regular basis, the mellow, reflective joint that followed their hugely popular debut, Bizarre Ride II.

Celebrating 20 years of the album’s release, members Bootie Brown and Imani served slice after slice of up-tempo, bouncing beats and exuberant rhymes to a responsive and adoring audience, the absence of the other original members - Slimkid3 and Fatlip - barely registering.

Tour DJ Mike Relm demonstrated DMC champion-worthy cutting and scratching, a sharp figure in a formal suit behind the decks.

Highlights included comic classic “Oh S***”; a track where the group’s lyrical prowess and clever delivery combines with J-Swift’s sublime production to great effect on the album and that lost nothing in the version presented by the remaining members last night, and closing jam “Bulls***”, a laid-back sci-fi moral tale on the importance of action.

Long live the Pharcyde.