THERE are never going to be another John, Paul, George and Ringo, but The Sessions’ slick and heartfelt Beatles reproduction is the next best thing.

The show is in the round with a replica of Abbey Road Studio Two, where The Beatles spent most of their tumultuous final years, and cast of 45 musical imitators and performers standing behind cascading transparent curtains across which surreal projections danced.

Starting from The Beatles first few sessions on Please Please Me, the show begins as little more than a particularly slick tribute production narrated by an omnipotent narrator Sir George Martin.

But as Beatlemania develops from simple pop songs to the psychedelic soundscapes of their later albums, it is here The Sessions comes into its own.

When act two comes around the sheer scale of the production comes into its own with multiple versions of the Beatles in the studio, a 21 piece orchestra, and performers dressed as naughty policemen, what can I only guess was meant to be ‘the eggman’, and the bizarre denizens of The Magical Mystery Tour move throughout.

Highlights included a chilling version of She’s Leaving Home, a full production of I am the Walrus, and a kaleidoscopic version of Tomorrow Never Knows.

Just fab.