A few years ago, Chas and Dave suddenly became cool and there was a good chance of seeing Pete Doherty or Kate Moss making an appearance on stage for one of their impromptu collaborations.

But on Friday there was not a single person with skinny jeans in sight.

The audience had reverted to the duo’s trusted fanbase of bald, beer-bellied and middle-aged men, all there for the best night of their lives.

The fans stomped their feet to the beat to the point where you felt a genuine fear the whole building may come crumbling down well before they had even reached Gercha.

But this was no bad thing. The charm of Chas and Dave lies at least 90% in the raucous response of those who go to see them.

By the second half of the show the whole crowd was showcasing the trademark thumbs dance and punching moves. And for some of the particularly enthusiastic supporters, this was combined with a kicking dance.

They were dancing up the stairs, down the aisle and full-on moshing at the front. At least a dozen men were thrown back off stage and at one point Chas stopped playing to order them not to throw beer on the keyboard. He added, though, that they could throw it anywhere else they wanted.

For this, their final tour, Chas and Dave’s only break with tradition was that they gave up hawking their CDs from a suitcase on the stage at the end of the show.

The night went on to prove there is nothing more enjoyably infectious than a packed room full of people having such a good knees-up.