What collective noun would best describe the always talented, unfailingly charming, often melancholy, musicians that Woodland Recordings seem to procure month after month?

'Flock' possesses the right connotations but sounds far too whimsical. I prefer 'coven', for there is an urgent spookiness brought to the art of song writing and performance on these nights that puts me in mind of witchery. I suspect a few of these folks have been down to the crossroads.

The 16th sees Men Diamler, The Great Park and the utterly brilliant Birdengine take it in turns to stir the cauldron of sound, whilst on the 25th the night is transformed into the now legendary Manchester institution, The Red Deer Club, featuring Sam Amidon, Liz Green and George Thomas.

Expect great musicianship, beautifully crafted tunes and a warm, attentive atmosphere.

  • 8pm. Studio Bar. Entry is by donation and all money goes to the artists.