A puppet show for adults? Unusual certainly, but then that’s what The Basement prides itself on.

Duo An Inconvenient Spoof have filmed an adventure starring a bag of unwanted toys they bought in Oxfam, are in the process of producing a multimedia piece about an extraordinarily talented and newly discovered species of bonobo monkey.

Now they present Sitting Bear & The Man In The Moon’s Reflection, a characteristically left-field piece that makes few nods to Punch & Judy and The Muppets.

Set in a strange netherworld, tensions between different “thought-worlds”

propel a young bear on a journey, where he encounters the wrath of a massive frog army, a shimmering water moon man, and on an airborne adventure with an alcoholic balloonist.

A “work-in-progress that’s quite far gone”, it promises something far out of the ordinary.

*7.30pm, £5/£3, 01273 699733