I must reply to a letter from the chair of governors of the Bilingual Primary School (The Argus, June 12) following my earlier letter.

I fully realise that this primary school has an urgent requirement to secure new premises but my argument is that the Hove Park depot site is the wrong location because of the considerable restraints regarding access.

The proposal is for this school to eventually cater for 620 children with 50 staff.

Is there a primary school anywhere in the UK where the closest drop-off point is 300 yards away?

Young children could not be expected to walk unaccompanied for 300 yards across Hove Park.

Therefore, parents would have to find a parking space and walk across the park in all weathers.

There are inaccuracies in the letter from the chair. There are not 12 bus routes serving Hove Park; there are only three.

I note with interest that the existing school currently operates two school minibuses and that these are used by half the pupils.

How can a few minibuses solve this travel problem?

What is a “walking bus from Hove Station” which some parents are interested in setting up?

Reference is made that those few parents who come by car will not need to park all day – of course they will not, but with 620 children how can only a few parents be using cars?

There is no way a “travel plan” will solve any of these problems.

It is simply that this site is unsuitable and almost inaccessible for a school of this size.

Colin Beard, Goldstone Crescent, Hove