As a cochlear implant user for the past eight years, it was wonderful to read how successful Lacey Bradley’s implants been (The Argus, June 12).

When my cochlear speech processor was first switched on it did sound robotic, a bit like a Dalek, but within a day or two it soon sounded normal and a far better quality of sound than any hearing aid I’d ever had.

Best of all, it enables me to hear “small” sounds such as rain falling or the tapping of fingers on a keyboard – the sounds that everyone else takes for granted. It’s not ideal for noisy situations – restaurants, shops, buses, etc – but I’m not complaining.

What many people don’t realise is that children need a year of listening to speech before they start speaking.

That is why it’s so important to have tests done early.

Otherwise it will take them longer to catch up.

If anyone out there is worrying about having a cochlear implant, I’d say don’t be – they truly are life-changing.

Maggie Knight, North Road, Portslade