Volunteers will gather to clean Brighton beach as part of the UK-wide Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project this Saturday.

The national campaign now in its sixth year will visit 14 beaches across England, Scotland and Wales throughout the summer of 2013.

Adventurer and TV presenter Ben Fogle, who also led the Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue Project in 2012, said: “I have been involved with the beach clean for two years now. Last year we removed nearly four tonnes of litter from Britain’s beaches. I have always loved our coastline and love the spirit of the beach cleans.

“I spent a great deal of time on Brighton beach as a child and still return regularly with my children. It surprises and angers me how much litter is left on warmer days by picnickers on the beach. Take it home, people.

“I’ve been involved in environmental issues for years and I’m passionate about the outdoors. A seemingly clean beach can actually have huge amounts of litter and rubbish just hidden beneath the surface, it’s a bit like sweeping rubbish under the carpet.”