My mum, Margaret Taylor, is a regular contributor to the letters pages of The Argus.

On February 18 this year, a letter of hers was published with the heading “Personal touch”. She sent me a copy, along with one of her famous letters, about 40 pages long. My mum loves to write letters.

I am almost certain that there is not a single person she has met who hasn’t received one of her famous epistles.

In her letter to The Argus she stated her concern that the art of letter-writing is dying. I can’t really argue with her. She is the only person who has ever written to me in ten years.

Letters are, of course, way more personal than emails. Even though they take more time to read, I’m sure that one day in the future, I will be glad to have a box of my mum’s words.

Having said that, have you tried to write a letter lately? It really hurts.

Juliet Sullivan, Vancouver, Canada