A puppy farmer selling sick and dying dogs was tipped off by a rogue police worker about a planned raid, it has been claimed.

An investigation has been launched into allegations that a backroom member of staff at Sussex Police told Louise St John Poulton that officers were planning a surprise visit to her farm in Pulborough.

Earlier this year Ms St John Poulton was secretly filmed selling puppies from her home, claiming they were healthy, happy and had been properly vaccinated.

But two young dogs sold to undercover reporters were found to be starving and riddled with disease.

After receiving a flood of complaints from furious customers, officers from trading standards, environmental health and the RSPCA raided the farm earlier this year.

However, when they arrived most of the dogs had been removed from the farm and nothing incriminating was found.

Now Sussex Police are investigating an allegation a member of their staff had secretly tipped off Ms St John Poulton about the raid the day before.

A police spokesman confirmed the member of staff under investigation was “not a frontline officer”.


Secret footage showing two sickly puppies for sale was screened last month during the Channel 5 show Cowboy Traders, fronted by former model Melinda Messenger.

The puppies were only seven weeks old and had been snatched from their mothers too early, according to the vet who cared for them.

Other pet lovers complained their puppies had died just days after buying them from Ms St John Poulton, who had promised they were healthy and had been well cared for.

Both Ms St John Poulton and her partner Sean Kerr are due to appear at Horsham Magistrates Court today charged with selling puppies without a licence.

A spokesman for West Sussex County Council said: “Our trading standards officers are aware of the trader and have been investigating allegations of possible breaches of consumer protection legislation.

“This investigation has not concluded so we cannot comment on specifics but it is believed she has since moved from the Pulborough premises and attempts to trace her are continuing.”