Mark Matthews, borough fire commander for Brighton and Hove, will be answering questions put to him by readers.

The fire boss is taking part in The Argus' Your Interview feature, which runs every Friday.

Mr Matthews said: "There is quite a misconception of what the public thinks the fire service does - fighting fires is only about 5% of what we do."

The fire service warned of the risks of mounting piles of rubbish during Brighton and Hove's bin strike.

The dangers of Chinese Lanterns have recently been highlighted when a recycling plant went up in flames. Do you want to know the Brighton and Hove fire service's opinion on the lanterns?

The Argus has also repeatedly featured the problems the fire service has with parked cars blocking the route to the scene of a fire in an emergency. Do you want to know what the service is doing to try and stop this problem?

Do you want to know what the fire service may look like in the future? Want to know how the service uses taxpayers money?

Email your questions for him to or leave them below.