My sister Catherine and I saw New Kids On The Block (NKOTB) on May 25, 1991. I was 24 and she was 20.

We sneaked into their Mayfair hotel and stole all the fan mail and love cassettes from love-crazed teenagers from outside their rooms on the landing.

It was a mean trick in hindsight.

I packaged them up and sent them to Smash Hits magazine, saying what I’d done.

My mum said I should have left the young girls to their dreams but what would a millionaire want with a cheap cassette?

Mark Wahlberg (pictured above) is now more famous than his brother Donnie, who sung with NKOTB. Could an 18-year-old tell you who Joey McIntyre is? All these NKOTB fans were born in 1978, so I feel very old at 46.

Where will One Direction be in ten years’ time? Certainly not in the realm of The Beatles. Who will care who Harry Styles is in 2023?

Like the Bay City Rollers and The Monkees before them, they will be replaced.

What is the longevity of a teenybopper group today? Five years at most? There will always be somebody to take your place.

Lorraine Forbes, Leslie Street, Eastbourne