The idea that the Green Party’s proposed referendum on council tax is a cunning plan to wrong-foot their political opponents is quite bizarre (The Argus, January 17).

But if that is why the Greens have done this, they’re in for a shock.

In recent months I have, with Kemptown Labour Parliamentary candidate Nancy Platts, knocked on doors and talked to several hundred local voters.

We found large numbers of residents champing at the bit to give the Greens a bloody nose.

They thought they’d have to wait until the elections in May next year – but now they’ll get their chance in a few weeks’ time.

It is fanciful to think that people will flock to the polls to give a big “Yes” to a referendum on – of all things – a big hike in council tax.

They will arrive at the poll in a very negative frame of mind; anti-EU emotions are running high and they will be inclined to answer “No” to any question politicians put to them.

For once, Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas has not distanced herself from the policies of the Green administration of Brighton and Hove City Council, the monster she herself created.

Does she also agree with the pitiless decision to charge the disabled to store their mobility scooters in council flats, announced on the same day that Jason Kitcat said his big tax increase is needed to “protect the most vulnerable” in our city?

The electorate is sick to the teeth of the Greens’ budgetary incompetence. It has no faith in the administration’s ability to spend money sensibly.

If the Greens will not stand aside and make way for another party, but insist on proceeding with this expensive and wasteful referendum, the response of tens of thousands of us will be: Bring It On.

Peter Carver, Beaconsfield Villas, Brighton