I recently received a parking ticket.

I drive a vehicle with an air circulation vent that runs the entire length of my dashboard and windscreen.

This continues to circulate air when my vehicle is parked.

Due to the lack of adhesive (money saving no doubt) on the issued parking voucher, mine are usually sucked into this vent. I have on many occasions retrieved them with tweezers. On the last occasion I had the dashboard loosened to retrieve the ticket (an exercise costing me £65).

Now I was in a position to contest my parking ticket.

I tried to email the council using its online service but, once again, it did not function.

I ended up paying the £35 fine as this was the only service working on its site. Calling to report the problem? No answer – I tried for 55 minutes. Come on, give drivers a fighting chance to contest online.

John Sheehan, Norton Road, Hove