I am one of the many people who voted Green in the last Brighton and Hove City Council elections.

Like many, I am disillusioned with the Green Party, most particularly over its betrayal of key supporter issues such as the number 52 bus route, attacks on the lowest paid in the refuse collection dispute and an inability to do anything coherent or logical about travellers.

However, you have to give the Greens credit for being honest about the cuts in service through their referendum.

I have many friends working in the council who are astonished that, after cutting the workforce to the bone in many departments, people cannot understand that the next round of cuts will hit services.

If people don’t want a good education service, libraries, facilities for the elderly, the disabled and the vulnerable, decent social services and their refuse collected on time then of course they are free to vote “no” in a referendum.

However, I hope these same people won’t then moan about the lack of this or that facility.

The council has already made all the efficiency savings it can. The next round of cuts will bring a reduction in services and people need to understand that.

Paul Redfern, Ovingdean Close, Brighton

I am completely in support of this proposed council tax rise – though I have no faith in the council to spend it wisely.

The only “fair” way is to fund social needs through taxes, whatever sort they are.

We all have needs at different stages of our lives and we should all contribute what we can to help those who may not be as fortunate as we are.

Janet Ramsay, Richmond Road, Brighton