Business leaders have given The Argus’s Good News Campaign a thumbs up – saying it improves consumer confidence.

Since its launch at the start of the year, The Argus has published more than 50 good news stories and at least two every day in print and online.

Businesses and leaders across the city have backed the campaign, saying it helps contribute to a feel-good factor along the path to economic recovery.

Tony Mernagh, director of the Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership, said: “It’s just as important to recognise and celebrate good news as it is that good news actually takes place.

“It’s a bit like the public’s perception of crime – it has fallen but the public think it’s risen because of the news.

“The more we shout about it the better. It’s quite heartening to see a campaigning regional newspaper like the The Argus happy to celebrate good news.”

Julia Chanteray, director of Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce, said: “It’s really important we give people some confidence because despite the difficult last few years Brighton and Hove has been quite resilient.

“It’s difficult to carry on when everything is doom and gloom, so giving people confidence that life continues and there’s interesting things going on is really important for recovery.

“Home-grown success stories and positive role models can be really inspirational.”

Geoffrey Bowden, chairman of the economic development committee on Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “I was really pleased to hear about The Argus’ Good News campaign. There are an awful lot of opportunities for people to moan and complain, the really excellent work going on in the city often gets over- looked.

“The city has been the exception to the rule during the economic slump and we do better than our rivals on many indica- tors.

“In terms of the number of shops and number of jobs, we are doing extremely well indeed.

“I want to see those sorts of things commented on in The Argus.”