A COMEDY and musical show with a huge line-up is being staged in aid of a York school boy who needs lifesaving cancer treatment in the US.

Harvey Thompson, of Foxwood, was found to have a tumour the size of an orange on his brain and he underwent an urgent 13-hour operation to remove it. He now needs a specialised form of radiotherapy available in Oklahoma or Florida to safely remove the final part of the tumour from his brain stem.

To help pay for his treatment, a fundraising evening is being held at the Tramways Club at 8pm on February 27.

“Mr Agadoo” Dene Michael, of Black Lace and Minster FM will be performing alongside vocal comedian Stuart Eden, Peter Kay tribute Lee Lard and KT Star, who will be performing as Adele.

Britain’s Got Talent Stars Craig Harper and Lee Lambert will perform as well as singer and comedian Thomas Henry and singer Charlie Jade.

Tickets will cost £5 on the door. The show will be staged by Flair Theatrical Agency.

If anyone would like to donate raffle prizes, email tedward21@hotmail.co.uk

Harvey’s family need to raise money to cover living costs while they are in America expected to reach about £5,000.

To donate to help Harvey, visit www.gofundme.com/6gl824 or a paypal account for donations is at harveysfund@hotmail.co.uk