Could someone from Brighton and Hove City Council explain to me why the majority of pavements have collected so many puddles?

It’s nearly impossible to keep your feet dry even if one’s wearing decent footwear and it is just impossible to walk on even ground for a few yards “uphill and down dale’’.

In the distant past, when I used to work for Hove Borough Council, as it was then, it was a concern to keep pavements in tip top shape.

And we did so with a small gang of well-trained, hard-working people. This seems not to be the case any longer.

It seems, though, there is endless funding for inappropriate road hazards, traffic management and a whole gambit of things.

Why do we, the taxpayer, need another council tax hike suggested by Jason Kitcat? Is it to make up the shortfall for the proposed i360 project?

We do not need another white elephant, thank you.

Sean Fowler, Old Shoreham Road, Hove