Come, come Mr Chainey. Lighten up! Your suggestion that pianos on Brighton Station would simply be an opportunity for lager louts to sabotage it is ridiculous and very sad (Letters, February 26).

For more than ten years I have travelled back to Brighton from Victoria Station six days each week, arriving before midnight.

During this time I have never encountered these ne’er do wells you speak of on the station. It is always quiet and clean.

The drunks are in North Street, not the station. Perhaps we should remove flowers and decorations of any sort for fear of abuse.

Forget the Christmas Tree and remove the benches (they might provide resting places).

I have been charmed by pianos in stations and airports recently, whether it is to hear classical music, jazz or children struggling to play Chopsticks. It is a source of delight for many.

God save us from the killjoys of this world. Have you any idea how many pianos end their days on a fire or rubbish dump?

To quote the bard: “If music be the food of love, play on.”

Kate Dyson, Arundel Street, Brighton