I note that Brighton and Hove City Council is urging people to register to vote in time for the imminent European elections (The Argus, April 24).

Am I alone in not having a clue as to who my current MEP is, let alone having any information on the candidates standing at the aforementioned election?

With the EU currently being such a contentious political issue, isn’t it about time the British public were fully informed as to the issues surrounding our membership, particularly with the long-held promise of both the Tory and Labour parties in holding a referendum?

If and when the terms of our continuing membership are finally negotiated (again as promised) the electorate should actively be part of that process and, at the the same time, be actively informed.

Forget the political point-scoring and ambiguity for once – the British electorate are far from stupid.

Robin Tulley, Honey Croft, Hove