I would like to take issue with the comment of Emma Richards (Letters, April 26) in which it is stated that humankind is “just an animal”, inferring some kind of equality.

The real issue is not about human superiority or equality to animals or otherwise but failing to recognise that we are obviously somewhat different.

We are different because we are spiritual beings created in the image of God. That dimension following mankind’s original rebellion against God, gives us the knowledge of both good and evil.

This provides freedom to make moral choices to do evil or good. Or, to put it another way, the capacity to do what is right in our own eyes or in the eyes of God.

On the same day, Joan Archer lists various ways in which humankind demonstrates its inhumanity to others and, as a consequence, ruins the lives of innocent victims. Those acting in this way are making a moral choice, simply doing what is right in their own eyes and therefore showing contempt to their creator. The Bible calls that sin.

As this nation continues to increasingly reject its Christian heritage we should not be surprised to see headlines that will shock and dismay.

In our clamour for human rights we seem to have forgotten that we have responsibilities to live as moral citizens not to our own moral code but the moral code God has revealed to us in the Bible.

A well-known saying says, “Be sure your sins will catch you out.”

There are always consequences for our sinful actions, not only on this planet but in eternity.

We may escape justice here but there is an ultimate justice from which there is no escape.

God will not be mocked and will have the last say.

As the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.”

Tony Smith, Brighton and Hove City Mission