Further to your front page about an illegal rave (May 26), if the police did not have enough officers on the ground to move them on I hope they set up a road block the next day to check every driver who came away in the morning to see if they were under the influence of drink or drugs.

This would not have been hard as there are only two exits from Devil’s Dyke.

The police manage to pull over all white vans leading up to Christmas as I was stopped twice in one day, so I hope they stopped these people.

Then maybe they will think twice next time.

A Gumbrill, Hove

I write With regards to the ongoing fiasco of our local police (and our Green council) trying so many times (unsuccessfully) to remove travellers from unauthorised and illegal camping sites.

The timidity of the police (and councillors) will, once again, cause us taxpayers to dig deep into our pockets to pay for the necessary clearing up process.

I refer on this occasion, of course, to the weekend rave at Devil’s Dyke as reported in your newspaper.

It is said that this rave in the countryside was attended by about 2,000 people.

This location is one of our most scenic beauty spots.

In their usual pathetic response, a police spokesperson is reported as saying that there were too many of them and too few of us.

Enough said.

Charles Foster, Staplefield Drive, Brighton