Ofsted has found that sex and relationships education is unsatisfactory in a third of schools.

This is hardly surprising when the National Curriculum focuses on the biology of sex, and does not teach young people about respectful relationships.

Properly taught SRE (sex and relationship education) has been shown to delay sexual activity, reduce the number of sexual partners people have, and increase the use of condoms.

Sex and relationships education is too important to be restricted to a single biology lesson, which young people say is often too late.

I support the Sex Education Forum’s campaign make SRE compulsory for all schools as part of personal, social, health and economics (PSHE) education.

Let’s do all we can to make sure young people are equipped with the knowledge they need for happy relationships. Join the campaign at www.sexeducationforum.org.uk/its-my-right

Johan Roos, Leicester Villas, Hove