A year on and it still appears the Brighton Police turn a blind eye to the use and sales of laughing gas (nitrous oxide).

The street party for Pride was inundated for two days with the illegal sales from balloons.

Used cartridges could be seen all over the streets and last night groups of young teenagers were openingly selling the drug after the street party had closed around all the local clubs as there was no police presence by this stage apart from the odd drive past.

The Argus pointed this out last year that laughing gas was being sold over the counter.

I pointed out to the police all weekend who was dealing in this drug and at no point did the police take any action even though it is illegal to sell nitrous oxide for inhalation in Britain.

It is disgusting that Brighton police and the local council appear willing to turn a blind eye and endanger the lives of the young generation by letting this take place on the streets.

This will impact on future street parties being held as it will be blamed on the organisers even though the blame lies with the police for not enforcing the laws on drug use. There should be a full investigation into Brighton Police and their non zero-tolerance drug policy and the way they did not manage the street party from drugs being openly sold at the event.

Norman Williams, Essex Place, Montague Street, Brighton