It will probably come as no surprise that inspectors have found services at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust require improvement.

Issues such as long waits in accident and emergency, staff shortages and problems with outpatient appointments have been documented before.

There is little doubt that staff at the hospital do a tremendous job in very challenging circumstances and today's report emphasises the care and support they give. Trust bosses have been making strides in the right direction but it is clear there is still a long way to go.

There are some things that are beyond control, such as the age and condition of the buildings they have to work in.

But once again it is flow of patients through the trust's hospitals that is proving a sticking point and this is not something it can handle alone.

The ambulance service, council and clinical commissioning groups also need to make sure they are playing their part.

This includes making sure there is enough support in the community so patients can be discharged more quickly and ease pressures on beds. It is only by all organisations working together that these problems can be fully addressed.