Pete The Temp vs Climate Change

Komedia, Gardner Street, Brighton, Thursday, September 18

POET and activist Pete The Temp tells stories from his quest to stop climate chaos, from misbehaving in a supermarket to laying siege to the Royal Bank Of Scotland.

8pm, £8/£5, 0845 2938480

Mrs Barbara Nice, Connaught Studio, Union Place, Worthing, Thursday, September 18

MATT’S Comedy Club brings the housewife superstar of the North West to Worthing. Support from Wes Zaharuk and MC Russ Bravo.

8pm, £9, 01903 206206

Laughtermarket, The Old Market, Upper Market Street, Hove, Wednesday, September 17

THE Thick Of It and TwentyTwelve star Sara Pascoe headlines at The Old Market, with support from Paul F Taylor, Phil Jerrod and Sameena Zehra introduced by Sam Stone and Rue Barratt.

8pm, £8/£7, 01273 201801