The New Deal campaign for Brighton and Hove seeks to cut Council Tax bills for the vast majority and save services from ferocious cuts. So, where to start?

Council Tax is a rigid and regressive system set by Westminster, which is slashing council funding a further £70 to £100 million per year by 2019/20. Efficiencies have mostly run out, the cuts will get much worse. Whilst private companies raise charges well above inflation, our local services are losing vital funding every year.

It is not acceptable to say nothing can be done when people are being evicted due to escalating rents; the sick are dying in the cold; families go without food. Austerity may not be seen by all (the Government prefers it to be hidden) but it’s really hurting those with a low income, the sick and private renters. Suicides are up as the lack of a safety net bites. The majority needing help are in work. Welcome to austerity.

Cuts to council funding are supported by all main Westminster parties so we desperately need a local solution. The method we discovered is made up of two components: n Free-standing grant: This would be given to the vast majority of households (80% to 99%) to ensure they are better off overall. This component is independent of council tax legislation, and we suggest it’s automatically applied to prevent stress and excessive administration. If council tax reduction was used instead it may be legally challenged.

  • Council Tax rise: It is vital that council tax rises by a multiple (say five to 10) so those who are the top in terms of property wealthy pay a much fairer proportion. This will require a referendum.

We have provided workable options on our website and we suggest grants are given to all but the very top property wealthy (allowing for ability to pay) such as for properties over £1 million.

The least Brighton and Hove City Council can do is to fully investigate it in conjunction with the campaign. It’s time for politicians to display some courage and stand up against inequality harming the people in our city. Many local people’s lives depend on it. Please sign the petition on the website.

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