A 55-YEAR-OLD man was left "covered in blood" in an assault police believe may have been racially motivated.

An iPad, iPhone speaker and other items were stolen from the victim along with his Fair Trade cloth bag.

Police are now appealing for witnesses to the assault in Paddock Road, Lewes, on August 16.

Officers say the man had just left the Paddock recreation ground when he was attacked just after 8pm.  

Detective Constable Linda Hoad said: "This was a vicious attack that left the man covered in blood and understandably distressed.

"He was treated for cuts and grazes to his head, shoulder and elbow at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

"During the assault, the suspect was heard by some witnesses to make racist remarks and we are investigating this as a racially-motivated incident.

"We have spoken to a number of witnesses, but would still like to hear from anyone who may have information about the incident or the items that were stolen, which have not been recovered."

The victim told police he and his friend were approached by the suspect in The Avenue about ten minutes before the attack.

The suspect is described as white, in his early 40s, 5' 10"-6' 0", of heavy build with mousey hair.

He was wearing a green Lacoste polo shirt and jeans, and may have false teeth.

Email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or call 101 quoting serial 1495 of 16/08.