What is the best way to stop people using drugs?

Is it the Government’s current strategy which takes a tough, no nonsense stance, and threatens anyone who uses, possesses or deals illegal substances with jail?

Or is it to allow some drugs to be used legally for medicinal purposes, and focus on helping addicts with treatment rather than putting them behind bars.

In a parliamentary debate yesterday many MPs claimed the war on drugs had failed with its current strategies and needed to be reviewed.

They called for new evidence to be considered in a review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Everyone agreed the criminal underworld associated with drugs should still be taken to task but would softening drug laws just mean more people will experiment? Would it give hardened drug users no reason to reform, or would it save light drugs users from falling into the dangerous hands of dealers offering harder drugs?

Clearly 40 years without a debate on a topic of this magnitude is too long.