TODAY, a two-minute silence was held at memorials across Sussex.

People gathered to remember those who gave their lives in conflict.

Among the services was a gathering at Hove War Memorial in Grand Avenue at 11am.

The mayor of Brighton and Hove, Brian Fitch, gave a reading.

Firefighters from Hove were also giving their respects.

Year two pupils from St Andrew’s CE Primary School in Hove also attended.

Jessica Beard, seven, paid her respects.

Her great grandfather, who fought in the Second World War, passed away earlier this year.

She said: “It makes me feel a bit sad about what has happened in the past and because of my great grandfather.”

Another, Ferris Whittingham, six, along with his sister and fellow pupil Carys, had a great great grandfather who fought in the First World War.

Ferris said: “I like the poppies but it is sad that people died in the war.”

On the Remembrance service, he said: “It’s quite special.”

Among those watching over the children was teaching assistant Teresa Robertson.

The school had an assembly about Remembrance Day and the symbolic history of the poppy.

On the importance of remembering, she said: “I think some of it goes in. A couple of them were very moved by our assembly.

“They are only six or seven so they are very young but it means something to them.”

Tony Avery, 67, of Shoreham, was the parade master in Hove today.

He served on several Royal Navy ships as an able seaman gunner.

He said: "My wife's father was on the Somme [in the First World War] in the machine gun corp.

"He would never talk about it.

"This is the high point of the Remembrance week.

"This year it has come alive more [because of the war centenary] and more people are remembering.

"It's good for children to understand the actual meaning behind Armistice Day."

Elsewhere there was a remembrance event in Southwick Square at 10.50am.

In East Dean there was an act of remembrance from 10.45am at the war memorial in the village.

In Polegate, there was a service and wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial in Wannock Road at 10.45am.