THE county fell silent yesterday to remember those who gave their lives in conflict.

It was heartening to see veterans, schoolchildren and workers standing side by side in reflection.

The importance of this time of year – Remembrance Sunday, Armistice Day and the days either side – cannot be overstated.

Not only does it serve as a reminder of what has happened in the past, it gives veterans the opportunity to pay their respects to fallen comrades.

It also acts as a valuable lesson in why we should, wherever possible, try to avoid future conflicts.

War never ends well. Even among the winners there is a profound sense of loss.

Yet, despite the horror of the First World War, the modern world turned to this industry of destruction again little more than 20 years later.

And this was a decision taken by people with fresh reminders of what went before.

In the decades since, we have lent the poppy to every subsequent conflict in the hope it will be our last.

In remembering, the human race is yet to take heed. Let us hope it will.