Brighton Pride is already one of the biggest events of its kind in the country but now plans have been revealed to extend it further.

With 160,000 people already in attendance this year including 35,000 heading to Preston Park and the same number partying all the way along St James’s Street, there’s a lot of people to take care of.

Fortunately the current team behind event take these responsibilities seriously and while attendances might increase, risk is being lowered with every passing year and every lesson learned.

Residents who live close to the events in Preston Park and St James’s Street who do not want to be part of the party do pay a heavy price once a year with the interruption to their lives.

But without wishing to sound insensitive to their plight, the benefits of the event that celebrates the diversity and freedom of Brighton and Hove is surely worth the cost of one disturbed weekend.

Under the current leadership, Brighton Pride is heading in the right direction after some rocky years. Long may that progress continue.