I cannot believe people are still complaining about the Fatboy Slim seafront gig weeks after the event (Letters, January 29). Do they have nothing better to do?

Yes, £30 does seem a bit steep for a ticket but nobody was forced to buy one. DJing is Norman Cook's job and if he makes vast amounts of money from it, then good luck to him.

It is entirely up to him what he then does with those profits. The man is an entertainer, not some sort of professional do-gooder.

I'm sure it was cold and wet but I think most people would have been expecting that as it was an outdoor gig in January.

As for the noise, I'm sure it was a little annoying but it was just for one afternoon/evening. I hardly think this constitutes a genuine nuisance.

Now, can we all please stop going on about it?

Claire Smith
Jersey Street,