The number of parents attending Hove Town Hall to support a fairer system for all of Brighton's children far outnumbered those who wished to keep the current system, which, while being fine for some children, is palpably unfair for the majority.

This is why the cheers of relief that justice has finally been done far outweighed the cries of those who saw their unfair privilege, which they quite naturally wanted to maintain, being voted out.

This is real democracy in action.

Not the spin and the subterfuge demonstrated by the Tory councillors, who showed a breathtaking lack of integrity in their last-minute change of tack, for such obviously party political, selfish reasons.

All the "pro-SAR" (schools admissions review) parents wanted - and we represented communities throughout Brighton, not just some lucky portions of it, as in the "anti-SAR" camp - was fairness for all of Brighton's pupils, wherever they live throughout the city.

Finally, we should all be thankful to those who fought so hard, for so long, to get this vital change made.

It goes to show, justice always wins in the end.

Sean Pillot de Chenecey, Clifton Street, Brighton