A 49-YEAR-OLD man has gone to jail for sexual offences against a girl no older than six.

Kevin Stevens, of Deerswood Road, Crawley, was found guilty on Tuesday after a seven day trial at Lewes Crown Court for two counts of inciting the girl to engage in sexual activity and two counts of engaging in sexual activity with her and was sentenced by Judge Guy Anthony.

The crimes occurred from 2010 to 2012 when the girl was between four and six years.

He was handed a Sexual Offence Prevention Order (SOPO) to last until further notice, severely restricting his access to children, and will be a registered sex offender for life.

Detective constable Danni Flude, of the West Sussex Safeguarding Investigation Unit, said; "Stevens gained the confidence of the little girl over a period of time and then committed the offences, taking despicable advantage of her age and vulnerability.

"Fortunately she eventually disclosed this to her family, who immediately reported it to us.

"Although now older, she still had to be brave to give evidence against Stevens in court, and this was crucial in helping secure his conviction.

"It further shows we will always take such allegations seriously and will try to help victims achieve justice whenever possible."