Eighty schoolchildren marched through Brighton as a school mocked up a Second World War evacuation.

The students from Mile Oak Primary School got dressed up for the occasion as part of their history studies. Year 4 teacher Neil Fulcher said the day was a roaring success.

He said: “We tried to recreate the process of a World War Two evacuation to give students an idea of what it would be like to be told you have to leave school.

“They were all dressed in period clothing, along with the teachers, to make it as realistic as possible.

“We walked the two miles to Portslade Station and hopped aboard the train to Brighton, which was an experience in itself for some of the children.

“We then walked to Brighton Museum where we had a look at their war displays before retracing our steps. It was a fantastic day and the children loved it.

“We had people coming up to congratulate them and that made them feel very special.”