Why does Brighton and Hove have a higher than average number of people accessing mental health care services?

At present there are more than 3,000 people in the city being treated but the numbers fluctuate each month, health experts have said.

Is this because more people living in the area are struggling with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, psychosis and schizophrenia, or is it because the care network is now much better set up to reach out to these people than in other areas of the country and we simply know more about the numbers?

People who have used the services to turn their life around believe the range of help is better here. Perhaps people in need of help are more aware of their problems here and opt to seek help more.

Or maybe in such a non-stop, stressful world more people are stressed? Health experts are unsure of a definitive cause and said there could be a number of contributing factors. But these could include highly stressful and demanding jobs or even the threat of job losses.

How many of you have worked longer hours than you should have this week and put time to unwind and socialise on hold? If this is something you persistently do, or seem to have to do, on a regular basis and feel you are struggling emotionally and physically, it might be time to have that talk with the boss about your workload.