A MOTHER has become an internet sensation after posting workout videos with her children on social media.

Jordan Cruttenden, 33, started filming videos which reflected difficulties mothers face finding time to exercise.

Jordan, from Eastbourne, married to builder Tom Cruttenden, has received messages from mothers all around the world thanking her for her honest portrayal of family life.

She said: “While I was training to be a personal trainer, people kept asking how I got my body after children and how I had time to exercise.

“I wanted to show mums that you don’t need loads of time or a nanny, so I decided to film some of my exercises for my friends and family on Facebook, and it just grew.”

Unlike some of the highly polished workout videos available online, Jordan tries to keep hers honest.

She said she does not worry about clearing up her living room, and her viewers understand if she has to stop to change her baby halfway through.

She said: “People see videos of superfit women and it stresses them out. Many women don’t feel strong and confident enough to go to the gym, but I am just an ordinary mum. I hope I can give people a little bit of a boost.”

She disagreed with those who say there is no excuse for not exercising, adding: “Mums or working women have pressure on their time. Who wants to spend their spare five minutes doing squats?”

Jordan said her two children, Autumn and Otis, are amused by their mother’s fitness routines, and often get involved in her videos.

She said: “They’re used to me jumping around in the living room and hopefully they will grow up valuing exercise like I do.

“People give themselves unachievable goals, like ‘I want to lose a stone in a week’, but small goals are the way to go. Keep it achievable and you’ll gain confidence.”