The Deputy Prime Minister has issued a pre election war-cry following a visit to one of his longest serving MPs.

Nick Clegg warned the Conservative Party on a visit to Lewes to see Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, “throw as much money as you like at it, there's no way you're pinching this constituency”.

The party leader said: “The Conservatives are throwing a lot of resources and effort here but there's no way they're going to pinch this constituency - no matter how much money they might throw at Lewes residents.

“You can't take away the fact that Norman is widely recognised locally, whatever your political opinion, as being an outstanding local MP.”

When asked by The Argus if Mr Clegg would put his money where his mouth was and place a bet on Mr Baker winning re-election, he replied “I'm not a gambling man. I've never gambled actually.”

He added that he hoped “most fair minded folk” would acknowledge the Liberal Democrat's positive contribution while in government and not take out any potential disillusionment with decisions made on a national level on Mr Baker in Lewes.

He said: “Of course there might be people who, quite understandably, say they don't like this or that decision made by us in government.

“But I'd like to think that most fair minded folk will acknowledge that we wouldn't have the economic recovery now if the Lib Dems did not take the decision to step up to the plate and pull the country back from the economic brink.”

Mr Baker added: “I'm proud of what we've done in government. For those who aren't entirely convinced, the hard reality is they either get me or the Conservatives here [in Lewes]. So if you want someone who is compassionate, a centrist, then you better get me rather than the Tories.”

Mr Clegg this week condemned the decision to delay the publication of the Chilcot Inquiry into the 2003 Iraq war until after the General Election.

Asked what he thought about Mr Baker's theory that MI5 covered up the murder of Dr David Kelly, Mr Clegg replied: “I'm not going to provide running commentary on that.

“One thing you can say about Norman Baker is that he's his own man, has his own opinions and controversial views.

“That's what people want in politicians and that's why I'm confident he'll be elected again here in Lewes.”