A SHOPOWNER overcame the pain of a burglary by getting a local artist to brighten its boarded-up frontage.

After the Sundial Clinic in St James’s Street, Brighton, was targeted by thieves, owner Richard Hollis took a more creative approach to triumphing in the face of adversity by exhibiting the work of a Spanish artist.

Mr Hollis enlisted the help of James Woodley, owner of Prescription Art in Beaconsfield Parade, Brighton, in finding a suitable candidate.

Mr Woodley asked Spanish artist Ricardo Cavolo to create a mural on the boarding to help Mr Hollis fill the blank space with the hope of lifting people’s spirits as they walked past the crime scene. Mr Hollis, who faces a loss of earnings after the theft and the cost of replacing the big glass window that comprises the frontage of his shop, said it was initially a “terrible shock”.

He said: “The burglar alarm was ringing and there was a gaping hole in our front window.

“I can’t understand why thieves would decide to break into the clinic in the first place – we’re not the kind of business that keeps lots of cash somewhere to grab.

“Bad things happen, though, so I decided to make something positive out of this and to lift the spirits of not only Sundial staff but nearby residents too, by turning a potential eyesore into art for everyone to enjoy.”

Mr Cavolo’s work still takes pride of place on the shop front.

When not sprucing up vandalised shops, he jet-sets around the world. He has put on solo shows in Canada and Mexico, produced two books and a set of tarot cards and painted murals in Moscow, Hong Kong and Brussels.

He has lived in Brighton for 18 months and is described as “a great and much-sought-after artist” by Mr Woodley.

Burgled in the early hours of Friday, January 16, the shop is set to have its glass replaced in the coming days.

Finola Robinson, a Kemp Town resident and freelance journalist, said: “I think it’s a great thing for a local business owner to do in the face of mindless theft and violence.

“Terrible things happen all the time and I think how Richard has responded to the theft is incredibly inspiring.”

A Sussex Police spokeswoman confirmed the force was investigating the break-in, where thieves are thought to have made off with a Toshiba notebook and money. Anyone who saw what happened or has information can email police on 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk, quoting serial 94 of 16/1.