Residents and shopkeepers are calling for a referendum to halt proposals to remove on-street parking.

A public meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 7 at 6pm Uckfield’s civic centre after a campaign to retain the parking on High Street gathered pace on social media.

Josh Gibbens, who is leading the proposal for the referendum, said: “This is about listening to local people’s concerns. I am a local citizen wanting to create a forum.”

Organisers expect more than 50 people to attend the meeting.

Mr Gibbens, 22, said that the meeting has been called because of a failure of the town and county council to listen to concerns.

The referendum would be funded by council taxpayers at an estimated cost of between £5,000 and £7,500, a price worth paying, according to the owner of Allsorts, James Anderson.

“People are fed-up of being kept in the dark, people need to be listened to. New pavements and trees are good but parking should not be removed, this plan will hurt the town.

“East Sussex County Councillors don’t realise how crucial on-street parking is. My customers are gobsmacked that despite a petition with 5,000 signatures the plans remain.”

A spokesman for East Sussex County Council said: “The improvement scheme was introduced following consultation with the public to address the increasing congestion in the town.

“Following phase one and feedback we have received, the project board is currently reviewing what form phase two might take, including the provision of parking spaces.”

Any referendum would take place in 25 days but would be non-binding.

The improvement scheme is a collaboration between East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Council and Uckfield Town Council with members of the project board being from each authority.