Disturbing stories about historic abuse at a Brighton care home continue to emerge.

Victims have come forward and told The Argus about the “brutal regime” suffered by young teenagers during the 1980s at the Preston Road home.

Tomorrow, police and council officials will meet to discuss a wave of allegations about a “poor culture of care” – uncovered during a separate investigation into the rape of a 14-year-old boy at the home many years ago.

Childhood abuse and trauma – be it sexual, physical or emotional – wrecks lives. The people who told this newspaper about their experiences at Preston Road all share stories characterised by suicide attempts, alcohol and drug problems and unresolved emotional issues.

We hope the authorities take any future allegations seriously and do all they can to ensure future generations of children are not dealt the same hand as other sexual abuse victims across the country. And if crimes have been committed, we trust the perpetrators will be in court.