A SUSSEX MP has hit back at claims he is one of the rudest in the House of Commons.

Sir Nicholas Soames, who represents Mid Sussex, was blasted by ex-barman John O’Sullivan as part of claims there was an out-of-control boozing culture among MPs in the House of Commons.

Mr O’Sullivan, who previously worked in bars in the Commons and also used to run Horsham shop Candy Box and 1st Stop News, in Horsham Station, branded Sir Nicholas as “arrogant” and the “rudest man by far” in a report in the Sunday Mirror.

The 40-year-old claimed he witnessed marathon drinking sessions as he worked in parliament and said he overheard MPs making inappropriate jokes and getting drunk before propositioning researchers for sex, as well as discovering cocaine on toilet seats and cisterns – although none of these claims mentioned Sir Nicholas.

When contacted by The Argus Sir Nicholas refuted the claims and said: “I have never seen this man before in my life. I don’t drink.

“The only room I ever used in the House of Commons was the smoking room which is not a bar.”

He branded the report as “complete nonsense” and “rubbish”.