A ROMAN Catholic priest sexually abused vulnerable boys along with the manager of a care home, a court has heard.

Father Anthony McSweeney, 68, of Old Brighton Road North, Pease Pottage, is on trial over alleged historic sexual abuse at a children's home.

The charges came following an investigation at Grafton Close Children's Home in Hounslow, west London.

The jury at Southwark Crown Court was told that the defendant was close friends with John Stingemore, who managed the home between 1979 and 1981.

Stingemore was found dead last month aged 72 at his home in Stonehouse Drive, St Leonards.

Listening to proceedings with the aid of a hearing loop in the dock, McSweeney wore a black suit, white shirt, red patterned tie and red pocket square, struggling to his feet with the aid of a walking stick as the charges were read out.

Sarah Plaschkes QC, opening the case for the prosecution, said Stingemore would have been in the dock with McSweeney if he was still alive.

She told the court that Stingemore took his “favourites” from the care home to his seaside property in Bexhill at weekends.

One of the alleged victims was taken to the coastal home with another boy - who is not part of the indictment and later killed himself - and the priest, the court heard.

Ms Plaschkes said when they arrived the boys were told to "have a shower and dress smartly", before they were each taken upstairs by the men.

The alleged victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was forced to listen to "screams, shouts and crying" as the other boy went first, the prosecutor said.

She then told the court what was said to have happened when it was the turn of the alleged victim.

It is claimed that he was abused by Stingemore until he was sacked in 1981.

McSweeney did not go to Grafton Close after his friend's dismissal.

The jury of seven men and five women was told that a second victim was sexually abused at the care home by McSweeney.

Ms Plaschkes said: “Mr McSweeney used his body to overpower [the boy].”

The priest is then alleged to have produced a camera and started taking photographs of the youngster.

The prosecutor added: “Afterwards he said something along the lines of, ‘This is just between us, don't you be telling anyone else’.”

A third victim alleges that the defendant, who was known as the “fat vicar” watched as Stingemore touched boys as they showered at the care home.

This happened more than once and was done “for the sexual gratification of both men acting together”, the jury was told.

Ms Plaschkes said McSweeney was arrested in 2013 after police began investigating abuse following revelations about Jimmy Savile.

McSweeney denies four counts of indecent assault, three of making indecent images of a child and one of taking indecent images of a child.

The trial, which is expected to last two weeks, was adjourned until 10am tomorrow.