STREET theatre performers hit the right note when they helped launch a campaign against austerity and government cuts.

A series of pop-up musical extravaganzas were held on streets around Brighton and Hove to raise awareness among shoppers and passers-by.

The campaign – Our City Our Future – has been launched by the Brighton and Hove Green Party, which plans to spend the next year working with local communities, and those who use threatened council services, to demand the restoration by the government of £18m in funding.

It also aims to stop further cuts.

The performances were specially commissioned by the party from writer and director Michael Wicherek of Box Clever Theatre. The entertainers appeared six times over a two day period and the performances ran for around 15 minutes at a time.

Together with actors Liv Spencer and Matt Rutherford, each show featured a ukelele and double-bass, seaside postcards, sticks of rock and rockabilly as well as old people’s homes, cycle lanes and Children’s Centres.

More details can be found at www.ourcityourfuture.