How great it is to hear in our own fair city, the fate of young people being talked about so passionately by politicians.

Whatever your thoughts on David Cameron’s new announcement on compulsory community work for 18 to 21-year-olds claiming benefits, it is great to hear that issues affecting younger people will play a role at this election.

It can be easy for politicians to pander to the more senior voters during election time knowing that these will be the voters who will get out on the day and resolutely vote come rain or shine.

With thousands of youngsters dropping off the electoral roll this time round, that temptation to speak on issues that do not impact on young people might be stronger still. But the only way to overcome any perceived electoral apathy among the younger generations is to make them feel involved and at the heart of the issues.

Every young person will have a view on the parties’ differing plans to resolve youth unemployment and can see how a tick in a box could affect their lives.