After the success of last year's gaming convention in Hove, Gambit Games have decided to once again hold this event but this time try and go for bigger and better. Last years was organised to mark the 25th anniversary of Gambit Games UK, a club that started in the spare room of a house with 4 members, to now running weekly events in Shoreham and a monthly meeting in Portslade.

Conquest 2015 will be one of the first major events being held in the new Shoreham Centre (due to be completed by the end of July) We had over 150 attend last year and would like to see lots more families attending this year, one of the big joys I get is showing families games that they can all enjoy together, it's quite a buzz getting the interaction going between people, whether it's adults vs adults, kids vs kids or kids vs adults. I have helped demo for a local company (Black Box) with their game Lords of War and it is really nice showing people that gaming can be great fun, you quite often get the parent reluctantly agreeing to play against their child but by the end of the demonstration both parent and child are doing their best to come out on top and neither really caring about who wins, because they have had a good laugh while playing.

Conquest will be having quite a few tournaments going throughout the day with X wing, Attack wing, Bolt Action, Flames of War (all miniature tabletop) Lords of War, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh (Trading card games). There will others when details are confirmed. Also we have a lot of clubs coming down with a few different games , historical through to futuristic, so if their is a certain era in time that you enjoy, hopefully there will be a game for you. The Iconic Legion will be down and hopefully we can encourage cosplayers to attend in their full costumes. Traders will be there selling everything from games, miniatures, graphic novels.

We would also like to put on a play testing area, so if there are any budding games designers out there, who want their game play tested, please get in contact.

Gambit Games meets up every Tuesday night from 4pm till 10pm at the Royal George pub near Holmbush, Shoreham and the last Sunday of the month in the Scout hut, Vale Park, Portslade.

Based on information supplied by Kevin Hearne.