The people of flood-hit Lewes are being told: "Your town needs you".

Echoing Lord Kitchener's call-to-arms during the First World War, Lewes Town Council is appealing for volunteers to help protect residents in the event of another huge inundation.

Town ranger Chris Kemp features as the moustachioed war hero in a recruitment drive for flood wardens to patrol the town.

The flood warden scheme was set up following the disastrous flooding of 2000.

Mr Kemp said: "We need around 60 wardens to patrol small areas of the town.

"Their main responsibility will be people first, to know where vulnerable people are that maybe couldn't manage by themselves."

In 1898 Horatio Kitchener became a national hero when he successfully led the British Army in the fight to win back the Sudan. As a result of his victory at Omdurman he was granted the title Lord Kitchener.

On the outbreak of the First World War, the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, appointed Kitchener as Secretary of War.

Kitchener, the first member of the military to hold the post, was given the task of recruiting a large army to fight Germany.

With the help of a war poster that featured Kitchener and the words: "Join Your Country's Army", over three million men volunteered in the first two years of the war.

Mr Kemp said watching for potential weak points in the River Ouse would not be a major part of Lewes flood warden's role.

He said: "We get weather updates and know when we have had a lot of rain causing a potential risk, that part of things is not so important.

"We would prefer it if we could get people involved who do not live in a flood area so they are not worried about their own home and can concentrate on helping people to get out of the homes that are at risk, but obviously we welcome anyone who wants to get involved."

He added: "It is not a huge commitment. A couple of meetings and just being there knowing the people, knowing the area, keeping a lookout.

"It may be that they are inactive for months and months and nothing will happen but we need to be prepared if it does.

"In 2000 we were very lucky that it happened during the day, if it happened at night it could have been much, much worse."

The town council has organised a recruitment meeting on Wednesday, February 21 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, High Street, Lewes.

Merlin Milner, the mayor of Lewes, said: "We desperately need another 30 or so wardens and hope that enough people will respond to our recruitment campaign to bring it up to full strength.

"Wardens do not have to commit to any particular regular involvement, simply be prepared to undergo simple training, attend one or two meetings a year, maintain an emergency pack - a torch and high-visibility jacket et cetera - and to be available should the worst happen."

If volunteers cannot attend the meeting they can also contact Chris Kemp on 01273 471469, email, or drop in to Lewes Town Hall.